Rithm of algo
In this second inside episode, Wouter dives deeper into the universe of algorithms in order to clean up the mess of buzz words we are confronted with on a daily basis. Did you also wonder why certain videos pop up in your timeline that seem most unlikely you ever wanted to see them? How do computers recognise objects and animals on photos?
Nothing but statistics
In an insightful conversation with Wouter, HIIG director Björn Scheuermann tells us about his research as a computer scientist and in how far he trusts algorithm based machines.
Computer scientists should try much harder to explain what they are doing.
At the beginning of the episode Wouter shows how algorithms sound. Find the original idea and file here: http://panthema.net/2013/1024-Sound-of-Sorting-KIT-Informatik/.
Also listen to sounds being sorted by different algorithms here: http://www.caseyrule.com/projects/sounds-of-sorting/
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